This page was inspired by nyaa's oc page!

This is the shrine/lore page for my D&D character and BG3 Tav, Tamara. Her race is Mephistopheles Tiefling, and her class is Evocation Wizard/Ranger. Her alignment is Neutral Good,
bordering on Lawful. She believes in the
spread of knowledge, not for pursuit of
power, but for the pursuit of helping others.

Physical Attributes

Age: 24 years
Gender: Female
Hair: Black, curly, above the shoulders
Height: 5 foot, 6 inches (167 cm)
Weight: 136 lbs
Eyes: blueish-white with black sclera
Horns: Thin ivory ram-horns
Tail: 4 feet 10 inches with spiked tip
Her Backstory

Tamara was born to tiefling parents, but was promptly abandoned. Discovered swaddled up in a blanket outside an orphanage, she was taken in and adopted two years later.
She was raised on her adoptive parents' farm, primarily working with the sheep and goats. But she always dreamed of someday becoming an arch-mage, teaching students, and helping others learn the beauty of magic.

At nineteen, she packed up her things and moved out. She became a traveler, seeking out advanced wizards and offering her servitude in exchange for shelter and access to their vast libraries. She would often end up working for the strangest of mages, having to be the test subject for their odd experiments.

Fun Tamara Facts:

- She hates spaghetti. She thinks the texture is slimy. I don't think she's ever had a really good bowl of spaghetti, though.
- If she were an animal, she would be a mouse.
- Her father taught her to use a light crossbow when she was young, so she has an alternative weapon if she runs out of spell slots.
- She is an age regressor in my heart
- She moves her tail more than the average tiefling, often wagging it when she's happy or coiling it around her leg when she's scared. She often doesn't realize what her tail is doing in the moment.
- She is autistic.